четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

W/o B

Hyper extensions: 20@10, 15@20, 12@25
Squat: 15@60, 8@75, 9@80 (пояс)
calves dumbbell: 15@13.5, 12@15, 10@17.5
Dumbbell bench press: 15@17.5, 9@25, 6@30
triceps training sim.: 14@32, 10@36, 7@41
sit-ups: 20, 16

вторник, 27 октября 2009 г.

W/o A

Dumbbell bench press: 15@17.5, 13@25, 9@30
Cross over: 15@18, 12@23, 10@27
"Полетели": 12@8.5, 2*10@10
Back Press: 15@20, 12@30, 9@35
Rows: 15@40, 15@55, 11@65
Pull ups parallel: 8, 5@6, 5@7
straight legs to elbows: 7, 7


86.1 kg

воскресенье, 18 октября 2009 г.

W/o A

Dumbbell bench press: 15@17.5, 12@25, 9@30
Pullover: 15@22.5, 10@27.5, 9@33.5
"Полетели": 12@8.5, 2*8@10
Rows: 12@50, 11@60, 9@65
Back Press: 12@20, 10@30, 6@35
Biceps dumbell: 24@12.5, 14@17.5, 12@17.5
straight legs to elbows: 7, 6

вторник, 13 октября 2009 г.

W/o B

Hyper extensions: 20@8.5, 15@20, 10@25
Deadlift: 15@60, 12@70, 9@80
calves dumbbell: 15@13.5, 13@15, 11@17.5
Walking lunge, carrying 2 dumbbells: 30@10, 24@12.5, 20@15
triceps training sim.: 14@32, 11@36, 6@41
sit-ups: 25, 15

четверг, 8 октября 2009 г.

W/o A

Dumbbell bench press: 15@15, 12@25, 9@30
Pullover: 15@20, 12@25, 8@30
Pull-ups: 12@0, 6@6, 4@10
Press with dumbbell: 15@12.5, 10@15, 7@17.5
Rows: 12@45, 13@55, 11@60
Bench Press: 15@50, 11@60, 7@60
Biceps dumbell: 24@12.5, 16@17.5
straight legs to elbows: 6, 6

вторник, 6 октября 2009 г.

W/o B

Hyper extensions: 20@5, 17.5@15, 13@22.5
Squat: 15@60, 10@75, 10@82.5
calves dumbbell: 14@10, 13@13.5, 11@15
Walking lunge, carrying 2 dumbbells: 30@9, 30@10, 20@12.5
triceps training sim.: 12@32, 10@36, 7@41
sit-ups: 20, 15

четверг, 1 октября 2009 г.

W/o A

Dumbbell bench press: 15@15, 14@25, failure@27.5, failure@30, 8@27.5
Pullover: 15@17.5, 15@22.5, 12@25
Pull-ups: 12@0, 9@6, 5@10
Press with dumbbell: 15@10, 12@12.5, 10@15
Bench Press: 15@50, 7@60, 6@60
Biceps curls z-barbell: 15@25, 9@35, 6@40
straight legs to elbows: 8, 7